Words by 100 Positive Women

In the Spotlight

Words by 100 Positive Women

Insert your own name, and repeat this affirmation by Deidra Blanton for daily positive energy and self-confidence.

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Today I...

I, ____________, possess all the ingredients necessary to achieve "greatness". I understand that true success is not measured by my income, but by how I live my life. I realize I won't always have the luxury of receiving encouragement from others. Therefore, I must learn how to encourage myself.

Today I am thankful for the breath of life, because I know tomorrow is not promised.

Today I choose to love myself, because self-hatred is not an option. Therefore, I will love and respect others.

Today I choose not to respond to the negative labels that have been placed upon me, because I am what "greatness" looks like.

Today I choose to believe that I am intelligent, because I refuse to be cast aside.

Today I refuse to allow society to place me in a category that dictates what I can or cannot achieve. I would rather stand on the shoulders of those that have come before me, because this way success is guaranteed. You see, failure is not an option.

Today I choose to believe that I am supposed to be here, and I will not waste the precious time I have been given.

Today I will appreciate those who have helped me. And to those who mean me harm, I choose to forgive them in advance, because holding a grudge only hurts me.

Today I will no longer hold my head down in defeat, but forever hold my head high, all the while keeping my eyes on the prize.

Today I will...

Today I...